A professional and fun learning ate where self-esteem, confidence, inspiration, discipline and teamwork are the focus
Current Free Resources for Dancers
Emily Bufferd is offering a FREE warm-up for all dancers and all levels!
For a dancer, being confined to the house can be challenging! Our community ROCKS and there are so many incredible people who are using their time and talent to help the best way they know how! Here are just some of the wonderful, FREE resources you can explore to keep your mind and body sharp during this hiatus:
Raddish Kids-healthy, fun meal prep activities for the family
Website: www.raddishkids.com
GoNoodle.com-keep your tiny dancer moving with these fun, free dance videos for the whole family!
Website: www.gonoodle.com
Health Made Simple For Dancers: a Facebook group with wonderful, easy tips and recipes for dancers and their families to fuel their bodies like the athletes they are!
Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/2214245741922697/
Sugarfoot Therapy: injury prevention workouts for dancers designed by a physical therapist
Website: https://sugarfoottherapy.com/routines/
CLI Studios: the industries leading online class outlet is offering FREE classes during this time with your favorite choreogpraphers. Visit the website for a complete schedule and get moving!
Website: http://www.clistudios.com/keepdancing
Francisco Gella Danceworks: Virtual training sessions/classes will be offered beginning this week!
Francisco Gella and friends will be offering FREE live training sessions/classeson Facebook for students in the weeks ahead. Most of these will be geared toward in-home activities while you may be without a studio. The calendar will be posted on social media.
Dance Parties w/ Mark Kanemura-a former backup dancer with Lady Gaga and contestant on "So You Think You Can Dance," Mark is holding virtual dance parties daily to bring together 663,000 followers from around the world to dance it out and have some fun while stuck indoors. Check out the coverage from TODAY: https://www.today.com/popculture/lady-gaga-s-former-backup-dancer-hosting-virtual-dance-parties-t176009?fbclid=IwAR38ETlcsTBxN0CbKhZ1UY6oKunrKULTTKy3ti13QrgCdDHTUSXdl3yNTRI
All are welcome. Follow Mark on Instagram to get details on the next dance party!
Instagram: @mkik808
Ballet Class with Elite Classical Coaching-will be live streaming starting with barre at 9:00 am CST. Be sure to follow Elite Classical Coaching on Facebook as they will be posting other times we will live stream so you can take class with them at home! Ballet Master, Jason Ambrose, will teach live class one day this week!
Facebook: Elite Classical Coaching
Teddy Tedholm-join dancers all over the world on Instagram to take this FREE class with Teddy from the comfort of your own home and keep moving!
Instagram: @Teddytedholm; Monday 4:00pm EST
Emily Bufferd-to help keep our dancers doing their pliés no matter where they may be dancing right now, a free Warmup Video from Emily Bufferd, Faculty at Steps on Broadway/Broadway Dance Center/The Joffrey School in NYC, We linked this one above.
Emily's YouTubeChannel: https://vimeo.com/397943019
Broadway HD: Broadway may be temporarily dark but now you can brush up on your Broadway repertoire and see some amazing shows from the comfort of your computer! Don't miss out on this chance to broaden your perspective :)
Website: www.broadwayhd.com
Tap Class w/ Anthony Morigerato- Who’s up for some more Operation: Tap premium classes on FB live?! March 22nd from 12-1PM EST, @amtapdance will be teaching another Premium class on our FB LIVE!
Be sure to tune in
Facebook: Operation Tap Facebook